rețeta de Mici

De salvat: rețeta de Mici pe care o căutam de ani de zile, pe care o făceau bătrânii noștri – rețeta originala

Asta e cea mai veche rețetă de mici pe care poporul român o are. Deși, după cum e normal, fiecare zonă, fiecare gospodar a adaptat rețeta după propriul gust, asta e rețeta la baza căreia stau toate cele de acum. Fă micii românești de casă, așa cum o făceau strămoșii noștri, e atât de simplu!

Timp de preparare: 30 min
Timp de gatire: 15 min
Gata in: 45 min

– 500 g carne tocată (mix vită, porc, chiar și oaie)
– 200 ml zeamă de oase de vită
– 3 căței de usturoi
– 1/2 linguriță de bicarbonat
– Condimente (cantitatea o stabilești după propriul gust): sare, piper, cimbru, ienibahar, boia, rozmarin

1. Deși carnea este deja tocată, de preferat ar fi să o mai dai printr-un robot sau o mașină de tocat. Condimentele vor pătrunde mai bine într-o pastă mai moale. Amestecă bine, adăugând treptat zeama de oase.

2. Adaugă condimentele, amestecă energic. Adaugă usturoiul, amestecă din nou energic. La final, adaugă și bicarbonatul. Dacă vrei, poți să și guști, ca să potrivești cum trebuie aromele.

3. Cel mai important lucru, secretul unei paste de mici cât mai gustoase? Nu trebue să îi pui imediat pe grătar! Formează micii și lasă-i în frigider între 3 și 24 de ore, ca să se pătrundă bine carnea de condimente.

4. Ca să aibă crustă rumenă și interior suculent, micii trebuie puși când grătarul/tigaia sunt bine încinse. Se prăjesc întâi câte 2 minute pe fiecare parte. Mai lasă-i cel mult 10 minute și scoate-i rapid, nu vrei să devină fazi și uscați!

Vietnamese Style Pickled Carrots

Vietnamese Style Pickled Carrots from Eating Local Cookbook

I’ve fully embraced the fact that I’m addicted to salt and crunchies. To preen me away from a jar of anything picked is like separating a mother bear from her cub. Please don’t get between me and my precious jar of pickled vegetables. Just don’t even think of going there. OK?With that submission to salt made clear, I’m blaming it all on my Vietnamese heritage because I pretty much started at birth (once I moved to solids) to eating pickled foods as part of my meals. The colorful collage of Vietnamese cuisine includes fresh textures of raw herbs/greens and often bright and crunchy pickles of some sort. I love eating my food in layers, where I have the luxury of biting into a pickled accouterment alongside savory grilled dishes, or tearing fragrant raw herbs into my hot bowls of brothy soup.

Each bite of Vietnamese food is exciting because of the diverse contrast of cool, crunchy, sour, sweet and salty textures.

Our pantry and fridge are continually stocked with pickles from our garden vegetables and when I’m low on staples such as Vietnamese pickled carrots and daikon, I’ll forage my veggie plots for new replacements. But this year, the daikon plot is taken up with fresh spinach, so all I had to pickle were the carrots. That’s fine by me because pickled carrots are still perfect as a single accompaniment. I kept it singular and simple. The carrots by themselves are equally divine and versatile!

When we first started the blog, one of the first recipes put up was my staple Vietnamese carrot and daikon pickles recipe. But last week I wanted to try a different recipe and I found it in a gorgeous new book by Janet Fletcher called Eating Local: The Cookbook Inpsired by America’s Farmers.

This lovely cookbook is a farmers markets dream because the every single recipe had a fruit or vegetable included in it and perusing through it is like walking the stalls of our local farmers markets. Each page is bursting with fabulous produce and it’s like visiting a stand from a favorite farmer. The color, freshness and appeal of every recipe is a proud reminder of why so many of us try to eat local and support our farmers.

Eating Local also takes readers on to the land and into the homes of 10 of America’s best small farmers as well. Their stories instantly connect all of us all to this vast food chain of eating locally and sustainably. I’m really looking forward to cooking from this cookbook because there’s recipes in here that can allow me to create a complete meal from fresh produce. A few days of vegetable meals isn’t a bad idea and my body is craving for that lately.


Vietnamese-Style Carrot and Daikon Pickles

Yield: 1 lb Pickles

Total Time: 10 Minutes

adapted from Eating Local by Janet Fletcher
Since I only had carrots growing in my garden and no daikon, I simply replaced the daikon half with carrots. Use any ratio you wish for the pound of veggies. Next time, I’ll have to try just pickling daikon!


  • 1/2 pound daikon, peeled
  • 1/2 pound large carrots, peeled
  • 1 teaspoon kosher or sea salt
  • 1 cup unseasoned rice vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 cup water


  1. Wash daikon and carrots and cut into matchstick sizes, or round sizes (about thickness of a 25¢ quarter). Pat dry.
  2. In bowl, mix vinegar, salt, sugar and water until the sugar dissolves. Add the carrots and daikon to the mixture and let marinate for at least 1 hour before serving.
  3. For best pickled flavor, store vegetables in an airtight mason jar for about 5 days in the refrigerator.
Recipe Source:

Recipe Note for Salt: All recipes containing salt are based on kosher or sea salt amounts, not table salt. If using table salt, reduce the amount used to taste.