52 ways to make money on a small homestead

making money on a small homestead

The dream of making a real living from the homestead – only venturing into the hustle and bustle of things for feed and farmers’ markets, and maybe the occasional bookstore – is one I’ll bet most of us share. And while it can feel elusive, I can see that each year we do get a few steps closer toward making it a reality, here at our little farm.

For us, this time of year is one of evaluation, brainstorming, and planning. With the garden harvested, and firewood in for the winter, it’s important to step back and review the just-finished growing season. We tweak and change our plans for the coming year based on what we’ve learned, and as part of that process we brainstorm ways to continue increasing our income from home.

One limiting factor about our homestead, however, is its size. We’re on just a tad more than two acres here, and I know we’re not the only ones working with small parcels. So what follows is a list of ways to make money from the homestead – specifically geared for those with limited acreage. This means you won’t see some of the usual ideas for farm income – like raising beef. I’ve also not included anything that requires a large outlay of capital – like establishing a commercial kitchen, or dedicated milking parlor. Instead, I’ve focused on endeavors that can be done with two acres of land or less, and with very little start-up cash.

Whenever possible, I’ve linked each idea to either my favorite online resource for getting started, or to a book that I’ve found especially informative. I hope you find some of these ideas helpful, as you get your own brainstorming juices flowing!


52 Ways to Make Money on a Small Homestead:

1.   Vegetables. When people think of making money from a homestead, chances are, market gardening is one of the first things that comes to mind. Whether selling from a garden cart at the end of your driveway, a booth at the farmers’ market, or through a CSA, that extra produce can be a good seasonal stream of income. This book has really transformed my approach to market gardening, bringing a whole new level of productivity and organization to our efforts. One other idea – if you find that even with preserving your harvest and selling the extra, you still have surplus produce – consider donating it to your local food pantry. Aside from feeling GREAT about sharing all that wonderful home-grown bounty, if your food pantry is a non-profit, you can take that donation out on your tax return. Those little things can make a difference, come tax time!

2.   Cut flowers. Turns out, cut flowers can actually rival vegetables when it comes to making a profit from a market garden, especially on a small acreage. It’s hard to beat Lynn Byczynski‘s book, The Flower Farmer, for an excellent how-to on the subject.

3.   Fresh and dried herbs. Again, Lynn offers excellent guidance on growing herbs for the market garden, in this article hosted by Johnny’s Selected Seeds.

4.   Chinese medicinal herbs. There’s a quickly growing market for sustainably  grown and harvested Chinese medicinals. This book is one of my favorites about getting started growing and selling them.

5.   Seed garlic. Selling garlic at the farmer’s market is great, but selling premium bulbs as seed garlic to other growers can command a far higher price. Bob, over at the Online Garlic Farmer’s Market, has some great tips on selling seed garlic online.How to make money on a small homestead

6.   Blogging and freelance writing. In this digital age, there are nearly infinite ways to make extra cash writing about what you know and love.  Writers Market can get you started if you’re interested in writing for periodicals and online publications. Blogging has actually been an enormous blessing to our family, and if you’re wondering how to turn even a small blog into a real income-maker, you need this book. It’s written by a fellow homesteader, and is an absolute game changer!

7.    Youtube videos. With a decent video camera, creating your own Youtube channel of homesteading and how-to videos can offer another income stream. Youtube has a good summary of the basics for getting started here.

8.   Teach a class. If you have homesteading know-how, and like working with people, why not do a little teaching? Say you have fruit trees – you need to prune them anyway. Might as well offer an afternoon pruning workshop right in your yard or orchard, and work with a handful of people to pass on a valuable skill.

9.   Feed bag totes. If you go through as much feed as we do, you probably have an endless supply of feed bags that can be upcycled into those trendy tote bags, and sold on Etsy, Ebay, or right at the farmer’s market. I like Mariah’s tutorial, over at Creative Country Life.

10.   Orchard fruit. Especially if you opt for dwarf varieties, or prune your trees to stay small, it’s amazing how many bushels of fruit can come from a very small acreage. We’ve found Ann Ralph’s method of pruning for small trees to be a game-changer, and I also find Stefan Sobkowiak’s take on permaculture orcharding to be particularly inspiring.

11.   Small-scale nursery. A wonderful companion enterprise to a backyard orchard can be a small scale nursery. Because so little space is needed per tree, you can start thousands of trees and perennials in less than an acre. This interview with Akiva Silver of Twisted Tree Nursery is enough to make even those with just a postage stamp of lawn want to get started!how to make money on a homestead

12.   Farm fresh eggs. Lisa, over at Fresh Eggs Daily, has an especially good post about getting started with selling eggs from a backyard flock.

13.   Day-old chicks or ducklings. If your flock includes a rooster (or drake, in the case of ducks), incubating those fertile eggs and selling the chicks can be a delightful little enterprise. It’s especially rewarding if, like me, you’re a hopeless hatchaholic, who can’t stop hatching out more little fluffballs than you can possibly keep! Here’s a post with my best tips for hatching and selling chicks for extra income. If you’ve never hatched chicks and need a good how-to, Kathy, “The Chicken Chick” has a delightful post series on getting started with hatching.

14.   Fertile hatching eggs. I’ve found that there’s a ready market for fertilized hatching eggs. For a good, quick read on best practices for collecting and storing hatching eggs, check out this post. The price they command varies greatly, depending on whether your chickens are just good old barnyard mix layers, or a rare breed or show stock. If you do have a rarer breed that’s highly in demand, you may find that being willing to ship can dramatically increase your clientele. This online tutorial is a great resource for those just getting started shipping eggs.

15.   Seedlings. This guide to growing and selling seedlings is a wonderful jumping off point. I always start way, way, way more seedlings than I can use, so this is an idea I’m looking forward to implementing next year.how to make money on a homestead seedlings

16.   Plant markers. While you’re growing those seedlings for sale, why not make some adorable plant markers, so you can up-sell to your customers? People love unique plant markers, and I think these tutorials for hammered spoon markers , painted stone markers, and wood burned spoon markers, are especially charming.

17.   Handmade Soap. This fantastic three-part series is a wonderful resource, if you’re interested in making and selling homemade soap.

18.   Honey. Sheri, over at Honeybees Online, has some excellent pointers for getting started selling honey, including how to find customers for your honey.

19.   Honeycomb products. This article has some great ideas for other value-added products that can be made with honeycomb and beeswax.

20.   Breeding livestock guardian dogs. Especially for those who have need of a livestock guardian anyway, breeding LGDs can be a nice recurring income stream. The “Library” page of the Livestock Guardian Dogs Association is a wonderful resource.

21.   Mushrooms. The Mushroom People have an excellent guide to getting started selling mushrooms on their site.

22.   Pastured Pork. We have had so much fun raising pigs this year. We did a lot of reading as we were getting started, and I think Dirk van Loon’s Small-Scale Pig Raising is a particularly helpful read. making money homesteading pastured pork

23.   Broiler rabbits. We’re excited to be adding rabbits to our homestead next year, and I’ve found this post, by the folks at Rise and Shine Rabbitry, to be especially helpful.

24.   Rabbit pelts. If you’re raising rabbits for meat anyway, why not tan the pelts and sell directly to hobbyists? The good folks over at Vela Creations have what I think is hands-down one of the best tutorials for tanning your own rabbit pelts. We’re about to try this for the first time this fall!

25.   Stock photos. If you’re fond of taking photos around the homestead, licensing some of those as stock photos might provide a nice continuing trickle of passive income. I especially like this article, with lots of good tips for getting started.

26.   Broilers. It’s pretty hard to beat Joel Salatin’s Pastured Poulty Profits, when it comes to a great manual for getting started with raising broiler chickens.

27.   Turkeys. I’ve yet to talk the mister into letting me add a few turkeys to our backyard flock, but I’ve always been drawn to them, and have a feeling that one of these days we might hear some “gobble gobble” around here. Again, Salatin’s work is a fantastic resource, and I also like this article about the resurgence of raising heritage turkeys.

28.   Renting out poultry processing equipment. If you process your own birds and have good equipment  – like killing cones, a quality feather-plucker, and even specialized knives – renting them out can provide some nice additional revenue. You might be surprised at the demand for drum-style plucker rentals!

29.   Pastured lamb. If you have good pasture, a few sheep can do very well even on a small homestead. We absolutely love our sheep, but have found them more challenging than our other livestock – Storey’s Guide to Raising Sheep has been our go-to resource for getting started.how to make money on a small homestead

30.   Wool. If you’re raising sheep and shearing them, finding a market for that wool can be another income stream. I like these tips for helping to maximize wool quality in sheep.

31.   Sheepskins. It may be 40 years old, but I really love this how-to piece on tanning sheepskins, by Roberta Kirberger. Last time I saw these offered at a farmer’s market, they were going for well over $100, and sold out faster than the sweet corn!

32.   Stud Services. If you keep a boar, ram or buck – especially if he’s registered and from a desirable breed – renting out his services could be an additional income.

33.   Berries. We’re slowly adding to our berry plantings each year, and look forward to having enough to sell in a couple of years. I’ve found this free publication from ATTRA to be a helpful resource for getting started.

34.   Strawberry plants. Much like selling seedlings, but slightly more labor intensive. If you’ve got an established bed of strawberries, you know how many runners those plants put out. Intentionally rooting those runners as new plants can give a nice supply of strawberry plants to offer for sale in the spring. This site has good tips on propagation.

35.   Manure. Extra manure can be such a welcome resource for local gardeners. If you don’t have an enough to offer it by the truckload, even just filling old feed bags and offering them for sale at the end of the driveway has worked well for many the small farm in our area.

36.   Wreaths. If you have a good free supply of evergreens or grapevines, and love making your own wreaths, this one’s a no-brainer. Selling them through Etsy and at craft fairs, and directly marketing to local businesses, can all be good ways to add up some seasonal cash.making money on a small homestead

37.   Woody ornamentals. Have you ever thought of selling dogwood, holly, or pussy willows, by the stem? Especially if you like to maintain a hearty buffer zone between your home and the road or neighboring properties, using desirable woody ornamentals for your plantings can build a self-perpetuating stream of income for your homestead. This little write-up about getting started is one that we’ve found helpful!

38.   Jams and Jellies. This guide to cottage food laws will help you know what the guidelines are for selling tasty homemade food items in your state.

39.   Quail. These delectable little birds are table-ready at just 6-8 weeks of age. Talk about a quick return on investment! As I’ve explored the idea of adding quail to our menagerie, I’ve enjoyed this post, enhanced by plenty of photos, offered from the good folks over at High Lonesome Homestead.

40.    Saving and selling seeds. Dan Brisebois shares his down-to-earth story of getting started raising crops for seed in this helpful post.free printable seed packet template

41.   Wooden spoon blanks. This is one that could piggy-back off of a backyard orchard. If you’re pruning good hardwoods like apple or maple anyway, might as well keep any desirable crooks from the pruned wood – these are wonderful carving out wooden spoons, and you can offer them for sale on Etsy or Ebay. This tutorial is the best I’ve seen on selecting wood for spoon carving.

42.   Grapes. Local table grapes are much less common at farmers markets than, say, heirloom tomatoes, and demand a good price. High end restaurants love them. And if you’re in an area with small scale wineries and grow the right varietals, there’s a good chance you might be able to supply them with better grapes than what they may be shipping in. There’s lots of great information out there about getting established with small scale grape growing, and this book is a solid place to start.

43.   Custom milling. With a good tabletop mill, and locally-sourced grain, it’s easy to offer desirable custom-milled flours at the farmers’ markets.

44.   Foraging for profit. I really like Alan Muscat’s perspective in this interview.

45.   Metalsmithing. This has been a fun one for us – I love having my very own blacksmith, and Dan has really been making some beautiful things. When he was first setting up his shop, this was a book he found particularly helpful.make money homesteading

46.   Pallet-wood furniture or signs. If you make a trip to the grain store every week or two, you may have noticed a perpetual pile of free pallets by the dumpster. While they’re fabulous for building low-cost fencing and animal shelters, they can also be easily upcycled into simple pieces of furniture or signs.

47.   Raising pigeons. Growing up in depression-era Baltimore, my grandfather used to catch squabs (young pigeons), and cook them up for his young cronies. How ironic that what was once a subsistence food has now begun to grace the white tablecloths of many high-end restaurants!  this site as a good place to explore the idea of raising pigeons for profit.

48.   Maple Syrup (and other tree syrups). Having maples, birches, or even walnut trees on the homestead can open up another possible revenue stream. I grew up looking forward to every February as a time for making maple syrup, and it’s such a delightful endeavor for that slightly dreary, end-of-winter season. This book is a fabulous introduction to the art of making syrup and sugar from tree sap.

49.   Daylilies. I never knew how passionate daylily aficionados could be, until the day I offered a few extra rhizomes on Craigslist. They were in the way of my new rhubarb bed, and it seemed like a good idea. Wowzers. People love lilies! My inbox was full for days. They’re easy to propagate, and – in my experience anyway, practically sell themselves. This blog offers one of the best guides to daylily propagation that I’ve seen.make money homesteading

50.   Building coops, cages, and grow-out runs. If you have critters, chances are, you’ve gotten pretty good at working with wood and wire to efficiently build small pens, cages, nesting boxes, and the like. Next time you whip up a cage for a rabbit, or a grow-out pen for the broilers, try making an extra or two, and post them in your local farming facebook group – I think you’ll be stunned at how quickly they sell. This tutorial from Kevin and Dani over at the Adventure Bite is where we got the plans for our chicken run, and I am constantly being asked if I sell them. Next year!

51.   Bug farming. I’m totally serious, folks. While there will always be a market for crickets and mealworms at your local petstore, there’s also a rapidly growing restaurant market for the little critters. And talk about a side business that doesn’t require a lot of space – even a closet is enough room to get off to a good start. Check out Tiny Farms and Open Bug Farm Project to see what I’m talking about.

52.   Christmas trees. I used to assume that lots of acreage was a requisite for a Christmas tree farm, but turns out that even an acre can support 1,500 fir trees, if grown with a goal height of 5-7′. Allowing for yearly turnover, and at average prices, that works out to about $9,000 worth of trees every year, in just an acre of space. I especially like this site for tips about getting started.


By no means is this an exhaustive list, but I do hope it serves as some inspiration to fuel your own brainstorming sessions. I’d LOVE to hear your own ideas and suggestions for making money on a small homestead – leave me a comment below!

Plantarea pomilor fructiferi

Plantarea pomilor fructiferi necesita studii temeinice din punct de vedere al alegerii locului, al sortimentului de specii, soiuri si portaltoi. Pomii fructiferi se pot planta pana la altitudinea de 1.500 m, de unde se incep sa se adapteze bine arbustii fructiferi.

Alegerea terenului
Terenul ales si destinat plantarii pomilor fructiferi, fie ca este vorba de o suprafata mai mica sau de una mai mare, trebuie sa intruneasca anumite cerinte legate de situarea lor, gradul de fertilitate, posibilitatile de udare si mecanizare.

Pentru o plantare reusita terenul trebuie sa fie plan sau sa aiba o panta usoara, de pana la 10%. Terenurile cu pante de peste 10% si pana la 15% nu sunt recomandate pentru cais, piersic si nectarin.

Cele mai bune soluri pentru plantarea pomilor fructiferi sunt cernoziomurile, bogate in humus si solurile brun-roscate de padure, solurile lutoase si luto-argiloase nefiind favorabile pentru cultura pomilor.

Solul trebuie sa permeabil, pentru a se evita baltirea apei, avand grija ca panza de apa freatica sa se afle la peste 2-3 m adancime. Atentie ca sursele permanente de apa pentru udarea pomilor si pentru tratamente fitosanitare sa nu fie poluate.

Se va evita plantarea pomilor fructiferi pe terenurile puternic inierbate, pe solurile mai putin fertile, recomandandu-se utilizarea unei culturi premergatoare (lucerna) care fertilizeaza natural terenul.

Terenurile unde se va efectua plantarea pomilor fructiferi vor fi expuse la soare, orientarea preferata a randurilor fiind Nord-Sud. In zona dealurilor inalte se vor alege numai specii si soiuri mai rezistente la frig si care pot lega fructe chiar in primaverile ploioase.

Nu se recomanda plantarea in vaile inguste, cu curenti puternici de aer, precum si zonele cu frecvente ingheturi tarzii de primavara. In zonele cu frecventa mare a vanturilor sunt obligatorii perdelele de protectie cu arbori inalti (stejar, frasin, artar, salcam).

Zonarea speciilor pomicole
Zonarea speciilor se va face in functie de pretentiile fiecarei specii si chiar a soiurilor fata de lumina si caldura, precum si de rezistenta la geruri, oscilatii de temperatura si alte accidente climatice.

Marul, parul, gutui, prunul, ciresul, visinul, se pot cultiva in zona dealurilor subcarpatice,iar in zonele calde de campie, se vor planta mai ales: cais, piersic, fara a exclude celelalte specii. Desi in cadrul tuturor speciilor s-au creat soiuri autocompatibile, se recomanda folosirea a cel putin 2-3 soiuri, pentru o mai buna polenizare.

Plantarea pomilor fructiferi
Perioada optima de plantare a pomilor fructiferi este toamna, incepand cu 15 octombrie si pana la venirea primului inghet. Exista avantajul ca prinderea este sigura, deoarece exista in sol umiditate suficienta. In perioada de iarna ranile de pe radacini au timp suficent sa se cicatrizeze, emitand noi perisori absorbanti, care permit reluarea vegetatiei primavara timpuriu.

Plantarea de primavara da rezultate bune cu cat se face mai devreme. Plantarea pomilor fructiferi primavara, este recomandata a se efectua inainte de umflarea mugurilor, prinderea fiind conditionata de udarile repetate, ce devin absolut obligatorii in perioada de seceta.

In vederea plantarii de toamna trebuie efectuate o serie de pregatiri absolut necesare si anume dupa care se executa plantarea propriu-zisa. De asemenea trebuie stabilite dinainte speciile ce se planteaza in livada.

livada pomi fructiferi

Stabilirea corecta a distantei
dintre randuri si dintre pomi pe rand se face pentru fiecare specie in parte de pe grupe de soiuri cu vigoare asemanatoare, tinandu-se seama si de portaltoiul utilizat, deoarece el are importanta foarte mare asupra cresterii pomilor.

Distanta intre randuri trebuie sa nu fie mai mica de 3,5-4,5 m, pentru a asigura spatiul de lumina necesar. Sunt foarte pretentiosi la acest factor caisii, piersicii, migdalii, ciresii, ca si unele soiuri de mar si par. Pe solurile cu fertilitate naturala ridicata, distantele de plantare trebuie marite, deoarece pomii cresc mai voluminosi.

Pregatirea gropilor
Sapatul gropilor se face cu 40-60 zile inainte de plantarea propriu-zisa, cu scopul de a crea conditii de aerare a pamantului si de a activa dezvoltarea microflorei din sol. Pamantul rezultat de la sapatul gropilor se asaza de o parte si de alta a randului sub forma de musuroaie (se are grija ca peretii gropii sa fie verticali).

Stratul de la suprafata (30-35 cm) se asaza in aceeasi parte a randului la toate gropile (de exemplu spre est), iar stratul inferior in cealalta parte (spre vest). De aceasta asezare a straturilor de pamant in musuroaie se va tine cont la umplerea partiala a gropilor inainte de plantare.

Umplerea partiala a gropilor se executa cu 2-3 saptamani inainte de plantare. La fundul gropii se arunca 15-20 cm pamant din stratul inferior, apoi se completeaza pana la jumatate sau doua treimi cu pamant din stratul de la suprafata. Se urmareste ca pamantul cel mai fertil sa se gaseasca in zona radacinilor pomului.

Procurarea pomilor fructiferi
Pentru pomilor fructiferi, se face o alegere riguroasa a materialului saditor. Este indicat ca materialul saditor sa fie procurat din toamna, din pepiniere consacrate (statiunea Baneasa), recunoscute oficial si controlate, care garanteaza autenticitatea, calitatea si sanatatea pomului.

Pomii fructiferi cumparati se vor transporta direct in gospodarie, mentinand radacinile protejate de contactul cu aerul, de caldura sau curent, pentru a nu se deshidrata. In functie de data cand are loc plantarea, pomii fructiferi se pot tine in beciuri, cu umiditate corectata prin udarea radacinilor.

Pentru pastrarea un timp mai indelungat, pomii fructiferi se vor stratifica in santuri sau gropi adanci de 30-40 cm, cu latimea de 30-50 cm, facute la adapostul cladirilor, in scopul protectiei pomilor. Materialul saditor se va aseza in picioare, in legaturi, cu eticheta, si se va acoperi pe radacini si pe 20-30 cm din tulpina cu nisip sau pamant bine maruntit.

Se vor planta numai pomi fructiferi bine dezvoltati, sanatosi, cu radacini lungi de peste 25-30 cm, neofilite, turgescente. Se inlatura toti pomii cu tumori canceroase pe radacini, oricat de mici ar fi acestea.

Alegerea portaltoilor
trebuie facuta in functie de calitatile solului. Pentru solurile uscate din zona de campie se prefera ca portaltoi zarzarul pentru cais, eventual pentru prun; migdalul amar si piersicul pentru piersic; mahalebul pentru cires si visin, corcodusul pentru prun, parul franc pentru par, marul franc pentru mar.

pregatirea pentru plantareCum trebuie sa arate un pom corespunzator pentru plantare?
– sa aiba 1-2 ani, si o inaltime de peste 1m;
– radacinile principale sa fie sanatoase, de peste 20-30 cm, iar in cazul pomilor altoiti pe portaltoi vegetativi sa fie cu un smoc de radacini subtiri;
– tulpina si radacina nu trebuie sa fie deshidratate sau cu rani;
– la pomii de 2-3 ani, coroana trebuie sa fie deja formata.

Fasonarea radacinilor
se face pentru improspatarea sectiunii la radacinile de schelet mai groase de 3-4mm. Tinand cont ca prinderea se face pe baza radacinilor groase, de schelet, acestea se lasa cat mai lungi daca nu sunt ranite, in caz contrar acestea se fasoneaza deasupra ranii. Prin aceasta se innoiesc taieturile facute la scos, operand cu foarfeca; se scurteaza radacinile frante ori ranite, imediat deasupra ranii, lasandu-se intregi cele sanatoase principale. Radacinile subtiri, sub un milimetru diametru, se scurteaza la 1-2 cm, iar cele uscate se pot suprima de la baza, pentru a stimula aparitia altora noi.

Mocirlirea radacinilor
consta in scufundarea repetata a radacinilor pomilor intr-un amestec alcatuit din parti egale de balega proaspata de vaca, pamant de telina si apa. Aceasta mocirla stimuleaza vindecarea ranilor si aparitia de noi radacini. Pomii se vor planta imediat dupa aceasta operatiune pentru ca mocirla sa nu se usuce pe radacini.

Ingrasarea la plantare
este o alta conditie esentiala. In pamantul destinat plantarii (stratul provenit de la suprafata) se amesteca 10-15 kg (1-2 galeti) de gunoi de grajd bine putrezit, plus 50-60 g superfosfat si 50-60 g sare potasica.

Stabilirea corecta a adancimii de plantare a pomilor fructiferi
Pomii se aseaza in gropi astfel ca punctul de altoire sa ramana deasupra nivelului solului.Pe fundul gropii se face un musuroi din pamant reavan pe care se aseaza radacinile pomulu. Se arunca apoi pamant marunt si reavan (din cel amestecat cu ingrasaminte), introducandu-se usor cu degetele rasfirate printre radacini.

Plantarea pomilor fructiferiDupa ce au fost acoperite radacinile, se scutura usor pomul (fara sa fie tras afara) pentru ca pamantul sa patrunda bine intre toate radacinile. Dupa ce s-a nivelat solul tras peste radacini, se taseaza foarte bine prin calcare insistenta. Se trage apoi tot pamantul in groapa, pana la nivelul superior al acesteia si se calca din nou.

Daca este cazul se mai adauga 5-10 kg mranita, o galeata de apa, apoi se mai calca o data si se face un musuroi larg in jurul trunchiului pentru a proteja radacinile de ger. Cu restul pamantului ramas se executa apoi o copca (farfurie) in jurul pomului. In aceasta copca se toarna 1-2 galeti de apa.

Udarea este absolut necesara la plantare pentru ca apa dreneaza toti graunciorii de pamant intre radacini, elimina aerul, previne aparitia mucegaiului, iar pomul se lasa putin in jos, “se asaza” revenind astfel cu coletul exact la nivelul suprafetei solului; adica la fel cat a fost in pepiniera.

Dupa ce apa a patruns in sol, se strange tot pamantul din jurul pomului sub forma de musuroi. Acesta are rolul de a proteja radacinile pomului impotriva inghetului din timpul iernii.

Coroana sau partea aeriana a pomului ramane nefasonata; taierile urmand sa se efectueze in primavara, la sfarsitul lunii februarie, inceputul lunii martie.



Cei mai rezistenți pomi fructiferi pe care îi poți planta în această primăvară

Rezistența pomilor fructiferi la anumiți factori de mediu trebuie avută în vedere înainte de a investi într-o livadă, indiferent de mărimea ei. Greșelile pe care le poți face cu privire la această selecție se repară greu și pot conduce, în final, până la defrișarea plantației de pomi fructiferi. Spre exemplu, nu poți cultiva cais sau piersic într-o regiune umbroasă și ploioasă, pentru că acești pomi fructiferi nu vor rodi corect și la capacitate maximă.

De asemenea, nu este indicat să cultivi măr sau păr în zone unde precipitațiile sunt mai mici de 500 de ml/mp/an. Pentru a da roade, acești pomi fructiferi au nevoie de o cantitate de peste 600 ml/mp/an de precipitații. De aceea, înainte de a planta pomi fructiferi în grădina ta, ar fi bine să ai în vedere preferințele fiecărei specii față de factorii de mediu.

Cei mai rezistenţi pomi fructiferi: mărul şi prunul

În România, pomii fructiferi care rezistă cel mai bine la frig sunt considerați a fi mărul şi prunul. Datorită acestei rezistenţe, merele sunt fructele cele mai consumate pot fi găsite numeroase livezi în întreaga ţară. De asemenea, soiurile altoite de prun rezistă foarte bine la variaţiile de temperatură, fapt ceea ce duce producţii importante an de an. Înfloritul, germinarea polenului și legarea fructelor se realizează în condiții de temperatură cuprinsă între 12 si 20 grade Celsius.

Temperaturile negative, brumele, ploile reci, vântul uscat sau prea cald diminuează procentul de legare sau compromite total florile. Fructele tinere sunt și mai sensibile la îngheț; ele pot degera la -1,1…-1,5 grade Celsius. Nucul este un alt pom care rezistă bine la variaţiile de temperatură sau apă. Totuşi, acest tip de arbore are nevoie neapărată de lumină pentru o bună producţie de frunte.

Temperaturile minime de rezistenţă la ger a pomilor
– Măr – 35 grade C … -36 grade C
– Păr – 32 grade C … -33 grade C
– Gutui – 28 grade C … -30 grade C
– Prun – 30 grade C … -32 grade C
– Cais – 26 grade C … -28 grade C
– Piersic – 24 grade C … -26 grade C
– Cireș – 29 grade C … -32 grade C
– Vișin – 30 grade C … -32 grade C
– Căpșun – 22 grade C … -24 grade C
– Smochin – 16 grade C

Cerinţele faţă de căldură
– Cei mai pretenţioşi faţă de căldură sunt în ordine descrescândă migdalul, caisul, piersicul şi apoi gutuiul, cireşul, alunul, castanul şi nucul.
– Mai puţin pretenţioşi sunt: părul, prunul european, vişinul şi mărul,
– Nepretentiosi căpşunul, coacăzul, agrişul şi zmeurul.

Rezistenţi la secetă: migdalul și caisul altoit pe migdal

Apa este un factor deosebit pentru creșterea de pomi fructiferi. Pomii cresc și rodesc bine dacă solul are 75-85% din spațiile lui pline cu apă iar umiditatea aerului este de 65-80%.

Dacă solul reține prea multa apă și lipsește aerul, frunzele se îngălbenesc iar treptat pomii se usucă, pentru că rădăcinile nu mai pot respira.

Printre pomii care rezistă cel mai bine la secetă sunt migdalul, caisul altoit pe migdal şi cireşul altiot pe vişinul turcesc. În perioadele cu ger, însă, migdalul şi caisul au mari probleme: mugurii acestora degeră, chiar şi o parte din ramuri.

Rezistența la secetă a speciilor de pomi fructiferi

foarte rezistente
– Migdal altoit pe migdal
– Cais altoit pe migdal
– Cires altoit pe mahaleb (vișin turcesc)
– Vișin altoit pe mahaleb
– Păr (soiuri de vară) altoit pe păr sălbatic și piersic franc
rezistență mijlocie
– Piersic (soiuri târzii) altoit pe franc
– Cireș și vișin altoite pe cireș sălbatic
– Soiuri târzii de păr altoite pe păr sălbatic și franc
sensibile la secetă
– soiuri de măr altoite pe portaltoi vegetativi M9 si M4
– păr și gutui altoiți pe gutui
– piersic altoit pe mirobolan și prun

Sol umed sau uscat

Solurile ideale pentru înființarea unei livezi sunt cernoziomurile, bogate în humus și solurile brun-roșcate de pădure. Pe de altă parte, solurile lutoase și luto-argiloase nefiind favorabile pentru acest tip de cultură. De asemenea, trebuie evitate solurile grele care rețin multă apă și în care rădăcinile se îneacă sau putrezesc.

Exista însă recomandări în funcție de caracteristicile climatice ale zonei în care urmează să fie înființată livada. În zonele secetoase sunt de preferat solurile mai grele, căci rețin mai multă apă, iar în zonele umede ideale sunt solurile ușoare, care se încălzesc ușor. Este bine de reținut că piersicul, caisul, părul și ciresul iubesc solurile ușoare iar prunul, mărul și vișinul, pe cele mai grele.